

Tannery of the Year : Midori Hokuyo from world leather magazine in 2013

The interesting article shows job and culture of Midori Hokuyo, which is one of the finnest tannery (Tannery is leather making plant from animal skins/hides). It explains Japanese company related on Automobile has a good cultural thinking.



old fasioned school satchels : 学校のランドセル

mezzanine : 中二階

hydraulic : 水圧の

水関連の単語hydro-がつく単語は覚えておくとなかなか便利。hydrolysis:加水分解、hydroxyl:-OH基、hydrophobic(hydrophobicity)/hydrophibic(hydrophilicity): 疎水性の/親水性の、hydrothermal:水熱の、などなど。

Supply chain and quality professionals in every part of the world drop into everyday conversation Japanese terms such as Kanban (signalling that more components are needed for the production line to keep flowing), Kaizen (continuous improvement) or Muda (waste). It's so surprise that this mentality and the just-in-time principles it underpins are also part of Midori Hokuyo.

drop into~ : 〜に落としこむ

underpin/underpins : 支える

日本の生産現場から世界へ飛び出した言葉は結構多く、3S(整理、整頓、しつけ)はずごく有名。改善をContinuous improvementにするとかっこ良くなりすぎなイメージだけど、日本企業に居た時に毎日改善活動で上司が現場を歩きまわったり、長い時間かけて危険な現場が無いかリストアップすることが日常だった。アメリカの会社に移ってみて、バランスよく日本のスタイルを吸収して、かつ、元の程よい適当さが残ってるので中庸が何でも大切だなと思っている。

The mother plant is situated in Yamagata City and processes 7,500 hides per week from the wet blue to produce 375,000 sq.ft of finsihed leather.

こういう時のCityってcaptial letterになるんだ〜。

In total 50 people are employed in wet-end and finishing research and development, with a further 30 people committed to quality control.

with a further~ : さらに〜と

All of the finishes are dispensed from a central finishing department. All of the pigments are dispensed automatically and are colour matched by computer.


Together with compressed shaving blocks and compressed buffing dust these are collected by a specialist company for hydrolysis, then use as fertiliers.

fertilier : 肥料

if you have on the shop floor Seiketsu (good hygiene), Seiri (orderliness), Seiton (tidiness), Seiso (keeping work areas clean) and Shituke (good manners and good discipline).

If you have~ : ~していたら、〜があれば


"We could have taken everything outside Japan," Mr Sasaki muses, "for cost reasons. But we don't want to give up production in our homeland. The knowledge and continuity are very precious, and once they are gone, you can't get them back."

Muse : しみじみと言う

You can't get them back : 取り戻せない

We have to keep improving or we will lose business.

~Or~ : 〜そうでなければ、〜 

The tannery is on the outskirts of Yamagata City and is surrounded by farmland where, mostly, vegetables and rice grow.

on the outskirts : 郊外に

It's proud of having chosen this way to mark its boundaries, rather than use a fence or a wall.






Just a little bit of my school work