

Tips for Video Journalists: Johnny Harris Explains It All | Johnny Harris(ジョニー・ハリス)が教えるビデオジャーナリストのコツ | 2023 Youtube review #16





  1. Visual Evidence and Context:映像証拠を見せて文章での補完をする。その際にLook at this(これを見て)と注意を引き付ける
  2. Experienced it and Understand it: Understanding something begins with experiencing it on some level ある程度の経験を通じて物事は理解される
  3. Visual Anchor: contextual bridges between visual anchors 語りたいストーリーから最も印象的なビジュアルをいくつかリストし一番最初に配置する。何度もリピートして繰り返す。ビジュアルだけでは理解できないためコンテクストを間に位置する。
  4. Zoom in and Zoom out:ビジュアルアンカーを用いて経験を疑似体験させ、ズームアウトして説明をする。




Lessons from this video:

- At first Vox thought the videos had to be 2-3 minutes, then 4, then 5 etc.
They found out that if a viewer is interested enough, they will stick around until the end no matter how long it is

- Vox tried to start a news media outlet on the internet, for the internet. They thought the process from grounds up. They have different teams for news and long-stories (like NYT articles).

- Use the first 15 seconds to promise that you will deliver something meaningful to the viewer

- After an initial intro with a lot of visual cues, they usually have some history to not overwhelm the viewer with too many visuals.

- So Visual Anchor - Bridge - Visual Anchor - Bridge is Johnny's formula

- The format should be: Take a look at this zoomed in problem, zoom out to understand the context and then zoom back in to take a look at some other problem ( 01:18:04 ), zoom out a bit and look at bigger chunks then zoom back in and so on

- The viewers want to shy away from data, statistics and cold facts so you need the "Look at this" moments to hook them and then serve them context, data, facts for 3-4 minutes, then back again with some visuals. This made Vox to have 70% retention rates.

- An explainer video = The Wikipedia article correspondent

- You use facts to tell a story, but not from a personal perspective
- 01:14:07 Interesting point: Writing the script with the visuals in mind. Every phrase has something associated with it.

- So write with visuals in mind bc it is easier to understand - Captions: They take the cc captions from youtube and put them in for the Facebook Videos

- 01:21:00 Q: What about copyright? A: We use fair-use law. If you show 2-3 media sources saying the same thing to prove a fact that's fair use and can be used also on TV.


24:00 Visuals are gold
49:40 Johnny Harris cine signature
57:00 Visual Anchors  
1:03:42 Give audience a story promise
1:06:00 Bridges/Context with B-roll
1:14:30 Write to the visuals





