Low utility (非効率)
- Rereading 再読
- Highlighting ハイライト(線引き)
- Summarizing / Taking note まとめノート作成
Efficient technic (効率的なテクニック)
- Active Recall / Active Retrieval
Active recall is a principle of efficient learning, which claims the need to actively stimulate memory during the learning process.
Active recall is the process of remembering information. It is an efficient way of moving information from short-term to long-term memory so that you can easily draw on it again when you need it most, such as for an assessment or exam. So the theory goes that if you want to remember a fact, don’t just read it, don’t reread it, don’t just underline or highlight it, close your eyes and try to recall it without looking it up in your notes or online. If you can successfully do so, you have used active recall. If not, look it up, learn it and then try again.
Active recall(アクティブリコール)というのは効率的な暗記方法で、教科書を再読するのではなく、テストや自分への質問を通して積極的に思い出す工程の事を言っている。本を読んだ際も、線を引いたりするのではなく、頭の中で振り返って問いかけをし思い出すという作業のようである。
- flash card (フラッシュカード)
- Spider diagram (マインドマップ)
- Corneal note-taking method